Saturday, January 26, 2008

Winston protects me during medical exam

A nurse came to our house to give me a physical exam for a life insurance policy. Winston seemed to understand as she weighed me and drew blood -- Winston underwent the same procedures 2 days earlier at the vet’s office.

But when the nurse started pumping the cuff on my arm to read my blood pressure, Winston got alarmed. The vet never measures his blood pressure. Winston rushed over and sat protectively near me. I petted him while she tested my blood pressure. Maybe it contributed to me getting a healthy blood pressure reading.

1 comment:

Chelsea + Shiloh said...

Dogs are so sensitive to those they love. We just had a local boy die, and all the teens are grieving...a friends dog lay quietly with her daughter for 12 hrs...they are amazing animals when on of their 'pack' is out of the norm