Sunday, January 20, 2008

Scooby-Doo Bandaids don't work for real Great Dane

Every time I take Winston for a walk, I have to put a Band-Aid on his outside left hind toenail to keep it from bleeding as he drags it along. I tried using our cute Band-Aids with cartoons pictures of “Scooby-Doo.” That didn’t work at all, with the Band-Aid ripped apart before we even crossed the porch. But “Flexible Fabric” Band-Aids last all the way around the Circle. I was a bit upset by the whole Band-Aid drama, but Dillon helped me see the humor in it. “Scooby-Doo Band-Aids don’t work on Danes!” she laughed. “That’s funny!”

I’ve been treated very kindly by all the many people who have been helping help me at the various vet clinics and dog supply places. I’d say that I’m being treated better than when I deal with medical folk about my own health. Somehow fighting for my own health comes across as obnoxious or irritating, whereas fighting for my beloved dog’s health seems to evoke more compassion. Or is it just that veterinary care is more personal and less driven by the insurance industry?

1 comment:

Chelsea + Shiloh said...

I think somewhat we have the opposite here, we have a good health system (though underfunded and overworked) but everyone has the right to health care..

With our Vets, its money first, treatment money then no treatment...

I may be biased but the best vets Ive experienced here, were the rural country vets... the older vet who knew everyone, knew their animals..and knew when to waiver fees